Country music was first paired with the jitterbug more than sixty years ago, and it continues to be a popular dance in rural America. If you’ve ever been to a rodeo dance in Brookings, you know South Dakota State University students caught the bug, too, and every fall, Farmhouse fraternity offers a night of free lessons to anyone who wants to give the jitterbug a try.
Kyle Sommers will tell you, it's not as easy as it looks. "Not knowing what to do is hard."
Scott Wagner agrees. "Some of the twists--it's kind of confusing for someone who's never done it before."
Dozens of men and women—in almost equal numbers—come to the Volstorff Ballroom at South Dakota State University to learn a few basic moves. No matter how much experience a dancer has under their belt, each has their own reason for mastering the moves.
"Mostly, my girlfriend was pressuring me,” says Sommers.
"I want to be one of those guys dancing, not the one sitting down when one of those songs comes on,” says Wagner.
"Thought it'd be fun, get to know people I didn’t know,” says Andy Walker.
In one night of lessons, these guys have gone from watching the action to making it happen. But, they're not dancing kings yet.
"She won't let me flip--I really want to, but she won't let me. She thinks I'm going to drop her,” says Sommers.
Can you really blame her? This is his first lesson, after all.